How to buy Nembutal with the help of Peaceful Pill Directory
We will be looking at how to buy Nembutal online for use in Voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide. Nembutal is the only drug that comes closest to the concept of the Peaceful Pill. We define the ‘Peaceful Pill’ as a pill, tablet or mixture that can be taken orally and that is guaranteed to provide a peaceful, dignified death at a time of one’s choosing
Getting Nembutal is very difficult and to do so, you need to be able to identify a legit vendor. Peaceful Pill Directory provides a list of vendors to members who are looking to acquire the drug. This is the only way to buy Nembutal online safely without getting scammed.
Nembutal as it is commonly called is an important and historically significant drug. Although Nembutal is one of over 50 barbiturate derivatives to have been used medically, it is the drug of choice when it comes to dignified, peaceful dying.
All Barbiturates are derivatives of barbituric acid which was first synthesized by Adolph von Bayer in 1864. A ‘condensation’ of malonic acid and urea, barbituric acid is said to have acquired its name after St Barbara’s Day (4 December) – the day on which it is believed to have been discovered.
How Nembutal and barbiturates Works
Before you buy Nembutal online, you should know how it works so as to understand the outcome. Nembutal like other barbiturates works by enhancing the effects of the brain Chemical GABA. When this happens GABA slows the activity of the brain.
Enhancing its action causes sedation and sleep. In larger doses, the Nembutal may even replace the GABA in the brain. An overdose of Nembutal depresses brain function so severely that respiration ceases and the person dies.
As discussed above, the depressant effect of barbiturates can be useful in counteracting the irritability and paranoia that can result from the use of amphetamines. Barbiturates have also been reported to be effective in alleviating the symptoms of heroin withdrawal. In the 1960s, injecting drug users were reported to have substituted barbiturates for opiates like heroin and methadone if such drugs were not available.
Available Forms of Nembutal
For human use, Nembutal was extensively marketed as sleeping tablets or capsules in the 1950s & 1960s. Even though Nembutal disappeared off the market over a decade ago, many people have old stocks which are still potent. One hundred of these capsules (100 x 100mg – 10gm of barbiturate) is a lethal dose.
Barbiturates are also well absorbed rectally and some countries have marketed forms of suppositories. ‘Nova Rectal’ in Canada is one such example. Sterile ampoules of injectable Nembutal for intramuscular and intravenous administration as a hypnotic, anti-convulsant and pre-operative sedative still find a small place in medicine in some countries including the US.
The veterinary forms of the drug are also still used in either the sterile injectable form for anesthesia, or a non-sterile form (Valabarb or Lethabarb) for animal euthanasia.
The sterile form of this veterinary barbiturate is marketed in small, sealed 100ml bottles that are protected with a metal seal.
This metal cap makes tampering obvious. The Nembutal inside is a clear liquid with concentration of 60 mg/ml. Each 100ml bottle has a total of 6 gm of Nembutal – enough to provide a peaceful death.
Non-sterile Nembutal liquid (*Lethabarb’) is used for animal euthanasia, is color dyed for safety, and has a much higher concentration of barbiturate (300mg/ml). 30ml taken orally is lethal.
NOTE: Both these forms of the drug display labeling – ‘For Animal Use ONLY’ and ‘For Injection ONLY’. But the Nembutal liquid is lethal when taken orally by humans.
Difference between Pentobarbital & Phenobarbital
There’s a very big difference between pentobarbital and phenobarbital if you intend using them for euthanasia. Nembutal is the commercial or trade name for the barbiturate whose chemical name is pentobarbital (*pent-o-barb-it-al”). This drug is different to another barbiturate called phenobarbital.
Pentobarbital is a slow-acting drug, used predominantly as an anti-convulsant to stabilize people suffering from epilepsy.
While phenobarb can be lethal in overdose, it has a much slower action than Nembutal and is not an ideal method for self-deliverance. These two barbiturates should not be confused.
Sources of Nembutal
Giving information on how to buy Nembutal online is our major focus. The complete info on sources of Nembutal can be found in the Peaceful Pill Handbook. In most western countries there are now no medically prescribed barbiturate sleeping tablets. What remains in the public consciousness, however, is the belief that an overdose of sleeping tablets – any sleeping tablet – will cause death. This misconception leads to many failed suicide attempts as elderly or seriously ill people often stockpile, then take, large numbers of modern, non-lethal sleeping tablets.
Let us be clear. There is no point in asking your doctor for sleeping tablets if you plan to end your life. Tablets obtained this way will not be barbiturates and the drugs obtained will be unlikely, even in significant overdose, to cause death.
The commonest source of life-ending barbiturates in most western countries is the veterinary profession, and even this supply is likely to diminish in time. There is no legitimate or plausible reason for a vet to provide this drug to any member of the public. You can hardly tell your vet that you’re planning to operate on the cat this weekend!
Can Veterinary Nembutal be used by humans for euthanasia?
If you are looking to buy Nembutal online know that veterinary Nembutal can also be used by humans for suicide. Nembutal is used by vets to euthanize animals or as an anesthetic in surgery for many decades. Before 1998, when Nembutal was still being prescribed by doctors, it may just have been possible to argue that your insomnia was so bad that only the rare and dangerous Nembutal could help you get a good night’s sleep. But there is simply no excuse one can give a vet to obtain this drug!
If a vet were ever to provide Nembutal – knowing what the person has in mind – they could face a charge of assisting a suicide. De-registration and a prison term would be the likely consequence. In 2001 the Australian Veterinary Board became concerned about the increasing use of veterinary Nembutal as a human euthanasia option and put out a warning to its members urging caution in the storage and use of the drug.
We know only a handful of cases where seriously ill people have been able to obtain Nembutal from their Vet. When there is public mention of this possibility, the Veterinary Associations have reacted quickly denying the practice.
Moves to further restrict the use of veterinary Nembutal has meant that the anesthetic form of the drug (see Fig 16.5) is becoming more difficult to obtain. This is the form of the drug favored by those wanting it for their own use, comforted by the fact that it comes in a clearly-labelled sterile sealed bottles.
The non-sterile green dyed form is more concentrated than its clear counterpart. Marketed as Valabarb (Fig 16,7) or Lethabarb (Fig 16.6) the concentration of this type of pentobarbital is 300mg/ml (five times higher than in the sterile anesthetic form).
A single 30ml sample will contain 10gm of Nembutal and be lethal. This non-sterile green liquid needs to be decanted from a larger 500ml bottle. If drunk it can stain the lips and tongue. With such staining it is unlikely that an attending doctor will cite natural causes on the death certificate.
How to buy Nembutal in the Black Market
We receive occasional reports of people paying a very high price on the black market to buy Nembutal. Desperate for the drug, some have paid over $5000 for a single 100ml bottle of veterinary Nembutal. This same bottle would retail to a vet for less than $50. Despite the fudge potential profit to a dealer, Nembutal is rarely found this way. The usual laws of supply and demand that govern the illegal drug trade do not apply, as no one will ever want more than one bottle of this drug. Supply chains do not therefore develop.
The Nembutal that does find its way on to the street is usually in the form of the sterile veterinary liquid. It is presumed that it is obtained when veterinary clinics are broken into by people looking for tradable veterinary steroids.
If the seal and labeling of a Nembutal bottle is intact and the expiry date not exceeded, the drug is likely to be effective. Send inquiries if you are looking at how to buy Nembutal online.