Get a free copy of the Peaceful Pill Handbook
Send an email today to Peaceful Pill Directory and get a free copy of the Peaceful Pill Handbook. This book contains everything you need to know about end-of-life choices. It was written by Dr Philip Nitschke a voluntary euthanasia activist based in Australia.
It is a 516 page book dedicated to explaining everything you need to know about Voluntary Euthanasia and assisted suicide. The book has about 20 chapters. It starts with Overview which has the following topics:
- Dying & The Law
- The Peaceful Pill
- The Exit ‘RPA’ Test
- Online Security & Privacy
- Physiology of a Peaceful Death
- Pre-Medication & Potentiation
The next chapter is The Gases which features the below four topics:
- Hypoxic Death with Inert Gas
- The Sarco
- Carbon Monoxide
- Detergent Death
These are just some of the few things you will find in the book. The most important section which has more than 500,000 people buying and reading the book is The Holy Grail-Nembutal. This section has six very important topics which are:
- Drug Options – Nembutal
- Availability of Nembutal
- Nembutal Scams
- Testing & Storage of Nembutal
- Administration of Nembutal
- The Peaceful Pill Project
This is considered to be the most important part of the book by people who are looking for a peaceful and painless death. Nembutal has always been the drug of choice when it comes to Voluntary euthanasia and assisted dying but getting the drug is very difficult. Production of the drug was suspended and it remains illegal in most countries even in areas where voluntary assisted dying is legal.
This has forced many to import Nembutal illegally from other countries. They order the drug online and then receive it through the mail. Recently things haven’t been smooth due to the presence of scammers and counterfeit drugs.
Holy Grail-Nembutal chapter is the most important because it tells the reader about the availability of Nembutal. Where and how to buy the drug without getting scammed. There are too many fake websites targeting patients looking to buy Nembutal online and what this chapter does is expose them therefore creating a safe environment for buyers.
In this chapter you will find information on how you can make Nembutal from home using simple materials. It was done by a group of Exit members in Australia successfully. The above is just a few of what you will find in this wonderful book.
How do I get the Peaceful Pill Handbook
The Peaceful Pill Handbook originally costs about $100(Euro95). It contains so much information and it is a way of raising money to continue research by the Exit International. However, not everyone can afford this book. Most of the people who come to us are sick, can’t work and don’t have money to buy the book and Nembutal at the same time. What we are doing now is making the book available to all free.
All you have to do is join our group, send us an email stating why you want the book. Upon confirmation, we will send you the online copy of the book. There are no fees and if you decide to make a donation it is your choice.
Avoiding Scams
This book has a whole page dedicated to fighting scam and we think it is the most important because fraudsters are looking to take advantage of the terminally ill. Our focus on this is because we consider scamming someone who is in genuine pain a taboo. We can’t sit and watch people losing money.
Every information you need on how to avoid Nembutal Scams is found on page 390. Read testimonies and success stories of people who successfully obtained Nembutal. Also you will be able to see the list of scam websites to avoid. Send inquiries today and get a free copy of the Peaceful Pill Handbook.